JSHint is an open source tool which detects errors and potential problems in JavaScript code.
To lint your JavaScript you have two options.
- Go to JSHint.com and paste your code in there on line text editor.
- Install JSHint in your IDE.
- Atom: linter-jshint (must have Linter plugin installed)
- Sublime Text: JSHint Gutter and/or Sublime Linter
- Vim: jshint.vim or jshint2.vim
- Visual Studio: VSCode JSHint
A benefit of adding it to your IDE is that you can create a JSON configuration file named .jshintrc that will be used when linting your program. This is convent if you want to share configurations between projects.
Example .jshintrc
"-W097": false, // Allow "use strict" at document level "browser": true, // defines globals exposed by modern browsers
"curly": true, // requires you to always put curly braces around blocks in loops and
conditionals http://jshint.com/docs/options/#curly
"devel": true, // defines globals that are usually used for logging poor-man's debugging:
console, alert, etc. http://jshint.com/docs/options/#devel // List global variables (false means read only) "globals": {
"globalVar": true },
"jquery": true, // This option defines globals exposed by the jQuery JavaScript library. "newcap": false,
// List any global functions or const vars
"predef": [
"undef": true, // warn about undefined vars "unused": true // warn about unused vars
JSHint also allows configurations for specific lines/blocks of code
switch(operation) {
case '+' {
result = a + b;
break; }
// JSHint W086 Expected a 'break' statement
// JSHint flag to allow cases to not need a break
/* falls through */
case '*': case 'x': {
result = a * b;
break; }
// JSHint disable error for variable not defined, because it is defined in another file /* jshint -W117 */
globalVariable = 'in-another-file.js';
/* jshint +W117 */
More configuration options are documented at http://jshint.com/docs/options/