📄️ Strings
In javascript, string can be created by wraping inside a double quotes("") or single quotes('').
📄️ String length
Complete the function getStringLength to find the length of the given string.
📄️ Lower case string
Complete the function toLowerName such that it returns the string in lowercase.
📄️ Upper case string
Complete the function toUpperName such that it returns the string in uppercase.
📄️ Character access
By accessing the index of string by wrapping index inside square brackets syntax [], we can access string at particular positions.
📄️ Get first character
Complete the function getFirstCharacter such that it returns only the first element of the string.
📄️ Get last character
Complete the function getLastCharacter such that it returns the last element of the string.
📄️ Substrings
A substring is a portion of a original string. For example, "script" is a substring of "javascript" because by taking last six characters we get "script".
📄️ Skip first character
Complete the function skipFirstCharacter such that it returns the string without first character.
📄️ Text app
Complete the function getText such that it returns the first 10 characters of the text received.
📄️ Plus operator
In javascript, plus operator can be used for multiple purposes.
📄️ String concatenation
Complete the function concatNames such that it returns a combined string of firstName and lastName.
📄️ Text app II
Complete the function getText such that it returns the first 10 characters followed by 3 dot characters of the text received.
📄️ Template strings
You are already aware that you can create strings with double or single quotes, however these strings do not support interpolation.
📄️ String interpolation
Complete the sayWelcome function so that it interpolates the variable name into the string "Welcome name."
📄️ String interpolation advanced
Complete the function getFullName such that it returns the full name of the person using interpolation.
📄️ Multiline string
Complete the function getMultilineString, which return a multiline string of given format.
📄️ Vegetables cart
Complete the function renderTableRow which returns following HTML snippet.
📄️ Capitalize word
Complete the function capitalise so that it capitalises the word parameter it receives.
📄️ String project
Complete the functions and try the app.